Публичное пространство
Полезные SQL-скрипты
На сервере
Узнать цену в БД по шк (БД set)
SELECT id, begindate, currency_code, enddate, price_number, price, senttoscales, department_number, department_status, product_marking, product_status FROM un_cg_price where product_marking in (select product_marking from un_cg_barcode where code='2078086726020');
Кол-во актуальных(действующих) рекламных акций (БД set)
SELECT "count"(1) from discounts_advertisingactions where periodfinish >=current_timestamp OR periodfinish is NULL;
Кол-во рекламных акций привязанных к магазину (БД set)
select * from discounts_advertisingactions daa join discounts_topology_condition dtc on daa.id = dtc.action_id join topology_shop ts on dtc.location_code = ts.id where ts.number='номер магазина'
Проверка загруженных товаров на весы (БД set)
SELECT v.number, v.model, v.addressing, sum(v.PLU_NEW) as PLU_NEW, sum(v.PLU_LOAD) as PLU_LOAD, sum(v.PLU_LOADED) as PLU_LOADED, sum(v.PLU_ERROR) as PLU_ERROR, sum(v.OFFLINE_ERROR) as OFFLINE_ERROR, v.name, v.plu_generation_method from ( select distinct s.number, s.code, s.model, s.addressing, case l0.status when 0 then 1 else 0 end as PLU_NEW, case l1.status when 1 then 1 else 0 end as PLU_LOAD, case l2.status when 2 then 1 else 0 end as PLU_LOADED, case l3.status when 3 then 1 else 0 end as PLU_ERROR, case l3_p.status when 3 then 1 else 0 end as OFFLINE_ERROR, l0.id, l1.id, l2.id, l3.id, l3_p.id, t.name, t.plu_generation_method from scales_scales s join scales_template t on t.id = s.scales_template_id join scales_plues p on 1=1 left join scales_linktoplu l1 on l1.scales_code = s.code and p.id = l1.id_plu and l1.status = 1 left join scales_linktoplu l2 on l2.scales_code = s.code and p.id = l2.id_plu and l2.status = 2 left join scales_linktoplu l3 on l3.scales_code = s.code and p.id = l3.id_plu and l3.status = 3 and l3.lasterrorcode <> 'PORT-ERROR' left join scales_linktoplu l3_p on l3_p.scales_code = s.code and p.id = l3_p.id_plu and l3_p.status = 3 and l3_p.lasterrorcode = 'PORT-ERROR' left join scales_linktoplu l0 on l0.scales_code = s.code and p.id = l0.id_plu and l0.status = 0 where s.deleted = false ) v group by number, model, addressing, name, plu_generation_method order by number
Кол-во актуальных(действующих) рекламных акций на конкретном магазине (БД set)
SELECT id, active, guid, lastchanges, modefield, "name", parentguid, userestrictions, "version", periodfinish, periodstart, worksanytime, external_code FROM discounts_advertisingactions where id in (select action_id from discounts_topology_condition where location_code in (select id from topology_shop where number='номер магазина')) and (periodfinish >=current_timestamp or periodfinish is NULL) order by name;
Посмотреть условия и результат рекламных акций (БД set)
SELECT id, plugin_id, plugin_name, name, value, type, class_name, parent_id, action_id FROM discounts_action_plugin_property where action_id='id рекламной акции';
Посмотреть перечень отработанных рекламных акций по данным чека (БД set_loyal)
SELECT * FROM loy_adv_action_in_purchase where guid in (select advert_act_guid from loy_discount_positions where transaction_id in (select id from loy_transaction where cash_number='1' and purchase_number='5' and shift_number='45'));
Список ограничений на товар в БД по ШК (БД set)
select * from un_cg_sale_restrictions where product_marking in (select product_marking from un_cg_barcode where code='4607145132038');
Вывод списка документов кассовой смены по порядку (БД set_operday)
SELECT s.shopindex, s.cashnum, s.numshift, docs.numberfield as nom, type FROM od_shift s LEFT JOIN (SELECT id_shift, numberfield, CASE WHEN operationtype=true THEN 'CHECK_P' ELSE 'CHECK_R' END || CASE WHEN checkstatus=1 THEN '_ANNUL' ELSE '' END as type FROM od_purchase UNION ALL SELECT id_shift, numberfield, 'INTRO' FROM od_introduction UNION ALL SELECT id_shift, numberfield, 'WITDR' FROM od_withdrawal UNION ALL SELECT id_shift, numberfield, CASE WHEN reportz THEN 'Z' ELSE 'X' END FROM od_reportshift) docs ON docs.id_shift = s.id WHERE s.shopindex=3 AND s.cashnum=1 AND s.numshift=11 ORDER BY 1,2,3,4
Недостающие номера документов в закрытых сменах (БД set_operday)
SELECT t1.shopindex, t1.cashnum, t1.numshift, t1.nom-1 as nom_not_exists FROM ( SELECT s.shopindex, s.cashnum, s.numshift, docs.numberfield as nom FROM od_shift s LEFT JOIN (SELECT id_shift, numberfield FROM od_purchase UNION ALL SELECT id_shift, numberfield FROM od_introduction UNION ALL SELECT id_shift, numberfield FROM od_withdrawal UNION ALL SELECT id_shift, numberfield FROM od_reportshift) docs ON docs.id_shift = s.id WHERE s.shiftclose is not null ) t1 LEFT JOIN (SELECT s.shopindex, s.cashnum, s.numshift, docs.numberfield as nom FROM od_shift s LEFT JOIN (SELECT id_shift, numberfield FROM od_purchase UNION ALL SELECT id_shift, numberfield FROM od_introduction UNION ALL SELECT id_shift, numberfield FROM od_withdrawal UNION ALL SELECT id_shift, numberfield FROM od_reportshift) docs ON docs.id_shift = s.id WHERE s.shiftclose is not null) t2 on t1.nom = t2.nom+1 AND t1.shopindex = t2.shopindex AND t1.cashnum = t2.cashnum AND t1.numshift = t2.numshift WHERE t2.nom is null AND t1.nom<>1 ORDER BY 1,2,3,4
Добавление заданий на загрузку различных типов данных (товары, кассиры, карты и проч.) с сервера Retail на кассу (БД set)
Не допускается запуск скриптов на Centrum в топологии Centrum-Retail-POS, т.к. это ведёт к некорректной работе сервера и может привести к полной остановке.
После добавления заданий с помощью скрипта перезапустите службу сервера приложений JBOSS_SVC.
INSERT INTO cash_cash_event (id, cash_id, event, created, module) SELECT nextval('hibernate_sequence'),id,'NEW_CASH',(select now()),'тип данных' from cash_cash where status='ACTIVE' AND shop_number='номер магазина' AND number='номер кассы';
Код данных | Тип данных |
cards | карты |
cashiers | кассиры |
counterparty | данные юридических лиц |
products | товары |
properties | настройки касс для таблицы sales_management_properties |
loy | рекламные акции |
equipment | оборудование |
paymenttypemanager | настройки типов оплат |
producttypemanager | настройки типов товаров |
externalsystemsmanager | настройки внешних систем |
Для добавления заданий на все кассы следует убрать номер кассы из запроса.
Добавление всего товарного справочника на большое количество касс может привести к созданию огромного количества строк в таблицах un_cg_not_received_to_cash_product . Мы рекомендуем отправлять товарный справочник на кассы поочередно, чтобы не создавать нагрузку на сервер приложений.
INSERT INTO cash_cash_event ( id , cash_id , event , created , module ) SELECT nextval ( 'hibernate_sequence' ) , id , 'NEW_CASH' , ( select now ( ) ) , 'operday' from cash_cash where status = 'ACTIVE' ;
Не допускается запуск скриптов на Centrum в топологии Centrum-Retail-POS, т.к. это ведёт к некорректной работе сервера и может привести к полной остановке.
Для отправки юридического лица и шаблона касс необходимо использовать скрипт:
На все кассы:
INSERT INTO cash_settingsoutboundmessage (id, objectid, senddate, status, cashnumber, shopnumber) SELECT nextval('hibernate_sequence'), template_id, now(), 0, number, shop_number FROM cash_cash WHERE status = 'ACTIVE';
На отдельную кассу:
INSERT INTO cash_settingsoutboundmessage (id, objectid, senddate, status, cashnumber, shopnumber) SELECT nextval('hibernate_sequence'), template_id, now(), 0, number, shop_number FROM cash_cash WHERE status = 'ACTIVE' AND number = номер кассы;
Добавление заданий на загрузку различных типов данных (товары, кассиры, карты и проч.) с Centrum на Retail (БД set)
После добавления заданий с помощью скрипта перезапустите службу сервера приложений JBOSS_SVC.
INSERT INTO cash_shop_event (ID, shop_num, created, MODULE) SELECT nextval('hibernate_sequence'), 'номер магазина', now(), 'тип данных';
Тип данных | Название |
coupons | купоны |
users | пользователи |
cashiers | кассиры |
cash | список касс |
equipment | оборудование |
externalsystemsmanager | внешние системы |
products | группы продаж |
loy | рекламные акции |
cards | карты |
image | изображения для купонов |
INSERT INTO cash_shop_event (ID, shop_num, created, MODULE) SELECT nextval('hibernate_sequence'), '125', now(), 'equipment';
Добавление заданий для всех ТК
После добавления заданий с помощью скрипта перезапустите службу сервера приложений JBOSS_SVC
INSERT INTO cash_shop_event (ID, shop_num, created, MODULE) SELECT nextval('hibernate_sequence'), NUMBER, now(), 'equipment' from topology_shop where version ISNULL or version IS NOT NULL;
Просмотр позиций по всем чекам за определенный ОД (БД set)
SELECT ec.id, ep.shop, ep.shift, ep.cash, ep.number as receipt_number, ep.saletime, ec.positionorder, ec.barcode, ec.goodscode, ec.cost/100 as cost_rub, ec.costwithdiscount/100 as costwithdiscount_rub, ec.discountvalue/100 as discountvalue_rub, ec.count/1000 as count, ec.nds, ec.ndssum/100 as ndssum_rub FROM erpi_positions ec,erpi_purchase ep where ep.operday = '2012-12-20' and ec.id_purchase=ep.id order by ep.saletime, ec.positionorder;
Просмотр позиций по заданным чекам (БД set)
create temp table temp (cash int,shift int, cheque int) insert into temp select 19,20,4 ; -- задаем кассу, смену, чек insert into temp select 19,20,5 ; insert into temp select 19,20,6 ; SELECT ec.id, ep.shop, ep.shift, ep.cash, ep.number as receipt_number, ep.saletime, ec.positionorder, ec.barcode, ec.goodscode, ec.cost/100 as cost_rub, ec.costwithdiscount/100 as costwithdiscount_rub, ec.discountvalue/100 as discountvalue_rub, ec.count/1000 as count, ec.nds, ec.ndssum/100 as ndssum_rub FROM erpi_purchase ep join erpi_positions ec on ec.id_purchase=ep.id join temp t on t.cash = ep.cash and t.shift = ep.shift and t.cheque = ep.number order by ep.saletime, ec.positionorder;
Проверка заданий на кассы (БД set)
select shopnumber,cashnumber,sum(notloadedproductscount) "count" from cash_activity --where shopnumber in (86,189) group by shopnumber,cashnumber having sum(notloadedproductscount)>0 order by shopnumber,cashnumber
Проверка дублированных чеков на сервере и выгрузка одной из их копий (БД set)
--Поиск дублированных чеков (наблюдается до версии 37) SELECT cash, "number", operday, shift, shop, count(*) FROM erpi_purchase group by 1,2,3,4,5 having count(*) > 1 --Выгрузка только одной из копий из этих UPDATE erpi_purchase set sendedtoerp= false where id in (SELECT min(id) id FROM erpi_purchase where sendedtoerp = true group by operday,shop,cash,shift, "number" having count(*) > 1)
Поиск чеков для ERP (БД set)
select * from erpi_purchase where operday='2013-01-27' and shift=52 and cash=23 and number=185
Поиск отсутствующих чеков на Centrum за опердень (БД set)
SELECT q.checknum, q.cash, q.operday, q.shop, q.shift FROM dblink('host= IP-адрес сервера Retail dbname=set_operday port=5432 user=postgres password=postgres'::text, 'Select od_purchase.numberfield,od_shift.cashnum, od_shift.operday, od_shift.shopindex, od_shift.numshift from od_purchase,od_shift where od_shift.id=od_purchase.id_shift and checkstatus=0 and operday=''2014-09-14--опердень'''::text) q (checknum int, cash int, operday date, shop int, shift int) where not EXISTS (Select e.number, e.cash from erpi_purchase e where e.shop=701 and e.operday='2014-09-14' and q.checknum=e.number and e.cash=q.cash);
Просмотр расхождений в суммах z-отчета и чеков в ERP за опердень (БД set)
SELECT ez.amountbypurchasefiscal as sum_zreport, sum(ep.amount) as sum_purchase,ez.amountbypurchasefiscal - sum(ep.amount) as difference, ep.operday, ep.shop ,ep.cash, ep.shift FROM erpi_zReport ez, erpi_purchase ep Where ep.operationtype = true and ep.operday = '2013-01-02' and ep.cash = ez.cashnumber and ep.shift=ez.shiftnumber and ep.shop=shopnumber Group by ez.amountbypurchasefiscal, ep.cash, ep.operday, ep.shift, ep.shop order by shop;
Выявить расхождения по оплатам (БД set_operday)
select c.id, sum(p.sumpay - COALESCE(cp.changecash,0)) from od_purchase c join od_payment p on p.id_purchase = c.id left join od_cashpayment cp on cp.id = p.id join od_shift s on s.id = c.id_shift where s.numshift = 'номер смены' and s.shopindex = 'номер магазина' and s.cashnum = 'номер кассы' and c.checksumend <> (p.sumpay - COALESCE(cp.changecash,0)) group by c.id
Показать все чеки за смену (БД set_operday)
SELECT * FROM od_purchase WHERE id_shift in (select id from od_shift where numshift = 'номер смены' and cashnum='номер кассы') ;
Показать проданные подарочные карты (БД set_operday )
Select od_position.datecommit, od_giftcardposition.cardnumber, od_position.priceend, od_shift.shopindex, od_shift.cashnum, od_shift.numshift, od_purchase.numberfield from od_position, od_giftcardposition, od_product, od_shift, od_purchase where od_position.id=od_giftcardposition.id and od_product.hash=od_position.product_hash and od_purchase.id_shift=od_shift.id and od_position.id_purchase=od_purchase.id and od_product.discriminator='ProductGiftCardEntity' and od_purchase.checkstatus=0 and od_position.datecommit BETWEEN '2012-01-01' and '2070-12-31' AND od_giftcardposition.cardnumber = 'номер карты' order by od_position.datecommit asc;
Показать отоваренные подарочные карты (БД set_operday )
Select od_purchase.datecommit, od_payment_gift_card.cardnumber, od_payment_gift_card.amountcard, od_shift.shopindex, od_shift.cashnum, od_shift.numshift, od_purchase.numberfield from od_shift, od_purchase, od_payment, od_payment_gift_card where od_payment_gift_card.id=od_payment.id and od_payment.id_purchase=od_purchase.id and od_purchase.id_shift=od_shift.id and od_purchase.checkstatus=0 and od_purchase.datecommit BETWEEN '2012-01-01' and '2070-12-31' AND od_payment_gift_card.cardnumber = 'номер карты' order by od_purchase.datecommit asc;
Показать все чеки не попавшие в ФР,но сохранившиесся в БД (БД set_operday)
select shopindex, cashnum, numshift, operday, split_part(fiscaldocnum,';',1), id_shift, count(*) from od_purchase,od_shift where od_shift.id=od_purchase.id_shift and datecommit>'2014-11-01' group by split_part(fiscaldocnum,';',1), id_shift, cashnum,operday, shopindex, numshift having count(*)>1 order by operday ;
Показать расхождения по суммам z-отчета и чеков в рамках смены (БД set_operday)
SELECT * from od_shift, od_reportshift per where od_shift.id=per.id_shift and (per.datecommit in (select max(rep.datecommit) from od_reportshift as rep where rep.datecommit > now()- cast('25 days' as interval) GROUP BY rep.id_shift) and per.sumpurchase<>per.sumpurchasefiscal and per.datecommit > now()- cast('25 days' as interval))
Вывести суммы оплат за смену (БД set_operday)
select sum(p.sumpay - COALESCE(cp.changecash,0)) from od_purchase c join od_payment p on p.id_purchase = c.id left join od_cashpayment cp on cp.id = p.id join od_shift s on s.id = c.id_shift where s.numshift = 'номер смены' and s.shopindex = 'номер магазина' and s.cashnum = 'номер кассы'
Просмотр чеков, по ШК (БД set_operday)
SELECT * FROM od_purchase where id in (SELECT id_purchase from od_position where product_hash in (select hash from od_product where barcode = 'штрих-код'));
Переотправить юридическое лицо и шаблон кассы (БД set)
INSERT INTO cash_settingsoutboundmessage (id, objectid, senddate, status, cashnumber, shopnumber) SELECT nextval('hibernate_sequence'), template_id, now(), 0, number, shop_number FROM cash_cash WHERE status = 'ACTIVE' -- AND shop_number = 1 -- номер магазина - раскомментировать, если требуется отправка на конкретный магазин -- AND number = 1 -- номер кассы - раскомментировать, если требуется отправка на конкретную кассу ;
На кассе
Узнать цену в БД по шк (БД catalog)
select * from cg_price where product_item in (select product_item from cg_barcode where barcode='2078080936876')
Узнать полную информацию по ценам в БД по шк (БД catalog)
select b.barcode, p.name, p1.price*0.01 "price1", case when now() between p1.begindate and p1.enddate then '+' else '-' end "activ1", p2.price*0.01 "price2", case when now() between p2.begindate and p2.enddate then '+' else '-' end "activ2", p3.price*0.01 "price3", case when now() between p3.begindate and p3.enddate then '+' else '-' end "activ3", p4.price*0.01 "price4", case when now() between p4.begindate and p4.enddate then '+' else '-' end "activ4", sr_min.min_price*0.01 "min_price_restr", case when now() between sr_min.sincedate and sr_min.tilldate then '+' else '-' end "activ_restr", sr_max.max_discount*0.01 "max_disc", case when now() between sr_max.sincedate and sr_max.tilldate then '+' else '-' end "activ_max_disc", p1.begindate "begindate_price1", p1.enddate "enddateprice1", p2.begindate "begindate_price2", p2.enddate "enddate_price2", p3.begindate "begindate_price3", p3.enddate "enddate_price3", p4.begindate "begindate_price4", p4.enddate "enddate_price4", sr_min.sincedate "begindate_min_price_rest", sr_min.tilldate "enddate_min_price_rest", sr_max.sincedate "begindate_max_discs", sr_max.tilldate "enddate_max_discs", p.lastimporttime from cg_barcode b join cg_product p on p.item=b.product_item left join cg_price p1 on p1.product_item=b.product_item and p1.price_number=1 left join cg_price p2 on p2.product_item=b.product_item and p2.price_number=2 left join cg_price p3 on p3.product_item=b.product_item and p3.price_number=3 left join cg_price p4 on p4.product_item=b.product_item and p4.price_number=4 left join (select min.min_price, sr.sincedate, sr.tilldate, sr.product_marking from loy_cg_sale_restrictions min left join loy_cg_sale_restrictions sr on sr.code=min.code and sr.deleted='f') sr_min on sr_min.product_marking=b.product_item left join (select max.max_discount, sr.sincedate, sr.tilldate, sr.product_marking from loy_cg_sale_restrictions max left join loy_cg_sale_restrictions sr on sr.code=max.code and sr.deleted='f') sr_max on sr_max.product_marking=b.product_item /* left join loy_cg_sale_restrictions sr on sr.product_marking=b.product_item left join loy_products_min_price_restriction min on min.code=sr.code left join loy_products_max_discount_restriction max on max.code=sr.code*/ where b.barcode in ('-ШТРИХ-КОД ТОВАРА-')
Узнать инфо о ценах в БД по коду товара (БД catalog)
select cg_product.item, cg_product.lastimporttime, cg_product.name, cg_price.price_number, cg_price.begindate, cg_price.enddate, ROUND (cg_price.price/100.00, 2) as price from cg_product LEFT OUTER JOIN cg_price ON (cg_product.item = cg_price.product_item) where cg_product.item = '4300043192' -- здесь ввести САП-код товара group by cg_product.item, cg_product.lastimporttime, cg_product.name, cg_price.price_number, cg_price.begindate, cg_price.enddate, cg_price.price order by cg_price.begindate asc, cg_price.price_number desc.product_item)
Список ограничений товар в БД по ШК (БД catalog)
select * from loy_cg_sale_restrictions where product_marking in (select product_item from cg_barcode where barcode='4607145132038');
Посмотреть условия и результат рекламных акций (БД discount)
SELECT id, plugin_id, plugin_name, name, value, type, class_name, parent_id, action_id FROM discounts_action_plugin_property where action_id='id рекламной акции';
Вывод списка документов кассовой смены по порядку (БД cash)
SELECT s.shopindex, s.cashnum, s.numshift, docs.numberfield as nom, type FROM ch_shift s LEFT JOIN (SELECT id_shift, numberfield, CASE WHEN operationtype=true THEN 'CHECK_P' ELSE 'CHECK_R' END || CASE WHEN checkstatus=1 THEN '_ANNUL' ELSE '' END as type FROM ch_purchase UNION ALL SELECT id_shift, numberfield, 'INTRO' FROM ch_introduction UNION ALL SELECT id_shift, numberfield, 'WITDR' FROM ch_withdrawal UNION ALL SELECT id_shift, numberfield, CASE WHEN reportz THEN 'Z' ELSE 'X' END FROM ch_reportshift) docs ON docs.id_shift = s.id WHERE s.shopindex=161 AND s.cashnum=1 AND s.numshift=17 ORDER BY 1,2,3,4
Перевыгрузить все чеки за смену (БД cash)
UPDATE ch_purchase SET senttoserverstatus = 0 WHERE id_shift in (select id from ch_shift where numshift = 'номер смены') ;
Перевыгрузить все изъятия за смену (БД cash)
UPDATE ch_withdrawal SET senttoserverstatus = 0 WHERE id_shift in (select id from ch_shift where numshift = 'номер смены') ;
Перевыгрузить все внесения за смену (БД cash)
UPDATE ch_introduction SET senttoserverstatus = 0 WHERE id_shift in (select id from ch_shift where numshift = 'номер смены') ;
Перевыгрузить все отчеты за смену (БД cash)
UPDATE ch_reportshift SET senttoserverstatus = 0 WHERE id_shift in (select id from ch_shift where numshift = 'номер смены') ;
Посмотреть позиции по чеку (БД cash)
SELECT * FROM ch_position WHERE id_purchase in (SELECT id FROM ch_purchase where id_shift in (select id from ch_shift where numshift='номер смены' )and numberfield='номер чека') ;
Посмотреть сумму чека по позициям (БД cash)
SELECT sum( (priceend * qnty)/1000) from ch_position where id_purchase in (SELECT id FROM ch_purchase where id_shift in (select id from ch_shift where numshift='номер смены') and numberfield='номер чека');
Узнать сумму по чекам за смену без возвратов (БД cash)
SELECT sum (checksumend) FROM ch_purchase where id_shift in (select id from ch_shift where numshift='номер смены' ) and checkstatus='0' and operationtype='true';
Вывести список алкогольных ограничений (БД catalog)
select 'Ограничение алкоголя ' || id || ' | Время ' || coalesce (to_char(time_from, 'HH24:MI:SS'), '-') || ' - ' || coalesce (to_char(time_to, 'HH24:MI:SS'), '-') || ' | Срок действия: ' || coalesce (to_char(date_from, 'DD.MM.YYYY'), '-') || ' - ' || coalesce (to_char(date_to, 'DD.MM.YYYY'), '-') as Alcohol_restriction from cg_limits_alcohol order by id asc;
Просмотреть размер баз данных (на любой БД)
SELECT 'БД: ' || pg_database.datname || ' | размер = ' || pg_size_pretty (pg_database_size(pg_database.datname)) AS size FROM pg_database where pg_database.datname not in (SELECT pg_database.datname from pg_database where pg_database.datname = 'template0' or pg_database.datname = 'template1')
Посмотреть текущие запросы к БД с временем выполнения (на любой БД)
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;
Список наиболее загруженных таблиц (на любой БД)
SELECT relname,n_tup_ins,n_tup_upd,n_tup_del from pg_stat_user_tables order by n_tup_ins desc;
Общее количество коннектов ко всем базам данных
SELECT sum(numbackends) FROM pg_stat_database;
Список баз данных с количеством коннектов по столбцам
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_database;
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