DROP TABLE IF EXISTS a_implementation_report; CREATE TABLE a_implementation_report ( ValueType varchar(255), Quantity varchar(50) ); INSERT INTO a_implementation_report (ValueType, quantity) VALUES ('Количество товаров на сервере', ( SELECT count(DISTINCT(ucp.markingofthegood)) from un_cg_product ucp join un_cg_price cpr on (cpr.product_marking=ucp.markingofthegood and cpr.price_number=1 and cpr.product_status=99 and now() BETWEEN cpr.begindate and cpr.enddate) where ucp.deleted=FALSE and ucp.status=99 )); INSERT INTO a_implementation_report (ValueType, quantity) VALUES ('Количество диапазонов карт/купонов на сервере', (SELECT "count"(1) from card_cardrange where deleted<>true)); INSERT INTO a_implementation_report (ValueType, quantity) VALUES ('Количество рекламных акций на сервере', (SELECT count(1) from discounts_advertisingactions WHERE active=TRUE and (periodfinish>now() or periodfinish is null))); INSERT INTO a_implementation_report (ValueType, quantity) VALUES ('Количество кассиров на сервере', (SELECT count(1) from us_user where deleted=FALSE and blocked=FALSE)); INSERT INTO a_implementation_report (ValueType, quantity) VALUES (null, null); --Введите IP-адрес кассы INSERT INTO a_implementation_report (ValueType, quantity) VALUES ('Количество товаров на кассе', (select q.crd from dblink('host= dbname=catalog port=5432 user=postgres password=postgres','SELECT count(DISTINCT(cp.item)) from cg_product cp left join likond l on substring(cp.item from 1 for 6) = l.marking join cg_price cpr on (cpr.product_item=cp.item and cpr.price_number=1 and now() BETWEEN cpr.begindate and cpr.enddate) where (l.begin_date < now() and ((l.end_date > now())) or l.marking is null)') q(crd int))); INSERT INTO a_implementation_report (ValueType, quantity) VALUES ('Количество диапазонов карт/купонов на кассе', (select q.crd from dblink('host= dbname=cards port=5432 user=postgres password=postgres','SELECT "count"(1) from card_cardrange where deleted<>true') q(crd int))); INSERT INTO a_implementation_report (ValueType, quantity) VALUES ('Количество рекламных акций на кассе', (select q.crd from dblink('host= dbname=discount port=5432 user=postgres password=postgres','SELECT count(1) from discounts_advertisingactions WHERE active=TRUE and periodfinish>now() or periodfinish is null') q(crd int))); INSERT INTO a_implementation_report (ValueType, quantity) VALUES ('Количество кассиров на кассе', (select q.crd from dblink('host= dbname=user port=5432 user=postgres password=postgres','SELECT count(1) from us_user where deleted=FALSE and blocked=FALSE') q(crd int))); ------------------ SELECT ValueType || ' = ' || Quantity || '' as Report FROM a_implementation_report